Rujero Singani is a Bolivian brandy made from Muscat of Alexandria grapes in the province of Tarija, situated in the very southern tip of Bolivia. Continuing a 400 year – old tradition of distillation, the estate of Rujero is a 300 year – old vineyard planted by Jesuits nearly 7,000 feet above sea level. This extreme altitude produces a distillate that retains the floral quality of the Muscat, but maintains an elegance, brightness, and minerality can be lost in other South American brandies.
The grapes for Rujero Singani Bolivian Brandy , some from vines that are over 200 years old, are hand – harvested and fermentation is done only with native, wild yeast. The vineyard is interspersed with ancient peppercorn (molle) trees and there is a slight peppery note in the spirit. Singani is typically e joyed with ginger soda and lime – called a Chuflay.
Rujero Singani Bolivian Brandy is distilled by Jhonny Salguero in custom made copper pot stills, hand – hammered by local craftsmen, with zero additives, and bottled at 40% alc/vol with addition of Andean water.