Bols began distilling genevers – The Netherlands’ national spirit category – in 1664, a proud tradition that continues to this day. Bols Master Distillers have since perfected the art of distilling genever over the centuries. In 1820, Bols introduced a revolutionary new genever recipe with a more subtle taste, as a result of a better balance of malt wine, neutral grain alcohol and botanicals. This new recipe is the authentic flavor of genever as it should be: complex, powerful, and delectable. In addition to being an impeccable spirit for drinking neat, it proved to be perfect for a new phenomenon in the USA; the cocktail. These first cocktails were often made with genever, because of its powerful, delicious flavors and balanced mixing qualities.
Bols Genever Gin is a revolutionary genever with a subtle balance of flavorful maltwine and re-distilled botanicals, fine-tuned with pure grain alcohol. Bols Genever Gin became one of the most important ingredients for a new phenomenon in the 19th century, the cocktail.
Ultimate Beverage Challenge – 91 points.